Come to the Progressive Massachusetts Kickoff on October 2nd!

On Sunday, Oct. 2nd, a new statewide organization called Progressive Massachusetts will be going public.  This organization is built on similar principles to Cambridge-Somerville for Change, with essentially the same strategy -- fighting for progressive candidates, organizing around democratically determined issues, and building a powerful organization through grassroots organizing.  What's so exciting about this new organization is that it's taking these principles and strategy to the statewide level!  Having a statewide ally with which we are so aligned can significantly expand CSfC's impact.

We hope you can attend the kickoff of Progressive Mass. on October 2nd.  RSVP here. More details below the fold.

Progressive Mass. is a new, statewide, diverse organization built from the ground up by organizers and activists like you.  

As we launch on October 2, we will: take positions on public policies through a democratic process; organize members to directly contact elected officials to support these policies; and help elect and support progressive candidates for public office.

We believe that to create meaningful changes in public policy, progressives in every corner of the state must work together to hold elected officials accountable to progressive values and  to elect progressive candidates.  Progressive Mass. will make that vision a reality with effective, statewide organizing.  We are open to anyone in Massachusetts who wants to see their progressive values turned into action, and will work closely with existing progressive organizations to ensure the success of our efforts.
Whether you are a Democratic activist, a member of a labor union or grassroots organization, a lone progressive in your community, or a talented volunteer campaigner for progressive candidates, Progressive Mass. is looking to use your insights, talents, opinions, hard work, anger, frustration, hope, idealism, and determination to make Massachusetts stand up for the kind of progressive policies that can make us proud to be Massachusetts residents.

Questions? please contact progressive.mass @


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Cambridge-Somerville for Change is an all-volunteer community group dedicated to harnessing the grassroots energy and spirit of change inspired by the Obama campaign. Our organizing work includes electoral and issue-based campaigns at the local, state, and national level. Our members have chosen to work on promoting economic fairness, comprehensive health care reform, creating policies that conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide for fair and adequate access to public transportation, and promoting in-state tuition for immigrant youth.

This is an organization built by and for you, the community, and we look forward to your participation and feedback. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about getting involved, please email
or call us at
(617) 302-7324.

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