Showing posts with label Phone Bank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phone Bank. Show all posts

Cambridge-Somerville makes calls to save affordable health care!

Cambridge-Somerville for Change is hosting weekly Tuesday night phone banks to call voters in targeted states and ask them to keep the pressure on their legislators to oppose the disastrous Republican bill. The bill includes drastic cuts to Medicaid and would allow states to drop vital benefits including maternity care, emergency services and mental health treatment.


Grassroots pressure has already made a tangible impact in the fight against Trumpcare, leaving the repeal-and-replace effort effectively dead in the water.  Now the Senate Republicans have turned their attention to repeal-and-delay, a stunningly catastrophic approach that will strip insurance from 32 million people!  And although the public opposition of Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and Shelley Moore Capito puts that effort very much in jeopardy, the fight is not over by any means.

Say what you will about the character of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, but he is nothing if not ruthlessly competent.  Rest assured he will use every tool at his disposal to bully and buy off the members of his caucus in order to get to 50 votes.  We cannot afford to take our foot off the gas in the wake of these collective victories against Trumpcare; now more than ever it is imperative that we keep the pressure on moderate Republicans to stay strong in their opposition to this cruel and devastating legislation.  Further, at-risk senators like Jeff Flake and Dean Heller need to be shown that a “yes” vote will very likely put them out of a job in 2018.

CSfC phone banks will reach out to voters in those target states and give them the education and direction needed to make their voices heard.  We are closing in on the end of this fight, but the coming weeks are key.  It is imperative that we keep these public servants accountable to the public they serve.  Please join us in this effort.


DREAM Act Vote Imminent!

The Thanksgiving season is the perfect time to give thanks for what we've got. But there are some in the U.S. who are prevented from realizing the American Dream. They are our immigrant youth.

But there's hope: THE DREAM ACT IS COMING UP for a vote very soon!

The CSfC Immigration Reform/In-state Tuition Team urges you to:

  1. Call Sen. Reid (866-877-5552). Ask him to keep his promise and bring the DREAM Act for a vote during the lame duck session of Congress!
  2. Call Sen. Brown (888-259-8432). Urge him to honor educational opportunities for all students and better our economy by voting YES on the DREAM Act!
  3. Join us for phonebanks to call CSfC members on 11/30 and 12/1 6-9pm at RE/MAX Destiny, 907 Mass. Ave. Cambridge

Why we need the DREAM Act:
Each year, 934,000 children, born elsewhere, attend elementary or secondary school in the US. Soon they will be graduating high school, many as honor students, star athletes, aspiring teachers, doctors, and engineers. They were brought here as small children and are officially considered undocumented immigrants. Despite their academic achievements, they face unique barriers to college and to work, wasting their productive talents, as well as their ability to give back to their local communities--and economies--as educated workers.

What would the DREAM Act do?
The Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors (DREAM) Act would allows students who meet very strict requirements to earn conditional permanent residency, and later, citizenship, once they successfully complete two years of college or military service. The DREAM Act would provide educational opportunity and equality to young people who are eager and motivated to succeed - if the U.S. lets them.

What can YOU do TODAY?
1. Call Sen. Reid (866-877-55552). Ask him to keep his promise and bring the DREAM Act for a vote during the Lame Duck session of Congress!
2. Call Sen. Brown (888-259-8432). Urge him to honor educational opportunities for all students and better our economy by voting YES on the DREAM Act!
3. Join us for phonebanks on 11/30 and 12/1 to call CSfC members 6-9pm at RE/MAX Destiny, 907 Mass. Ave. Cambridge (near Central Square, across from the Plough and Stars).

Speaker Pelosi has said she will schedule a vote in the House on Nov. 29th; Sen. Reid has said he will schedule a vote in the Senate on Nov. 30th or Dec. 1st, as a stand alone bill.

We need to give these leaders the courage and political will to move the DREAM Act forward! CSfC's Immigration/In-state Tuition Team has been working on this issue for 18 months. Now we need all CSfC'ers to help us reach the finish line for justice and equality for our immigrant friends and neighbors.

Please call today. Then let us know you've done so by emailing

Smulowitz and Ross Mini-Debate on WBZ today

WBZ hosted a brief interview with Peter Smulowitz and Richard Ross this afternoon. You can watch the video at WBZ's web site. CSfC is supporting Peter Smulowitz for state senate in the special election coming up on Tuesday. Join us tonight for a phone bank in Harvard Square from 6:00 to 8:30 PM.

CSfC Supports Peter Smulowitz for MA State Senate

The membership has voted and we're pitching in to turn Scott Brown's long-held State Senate seat Blue by supporting progressive Democrat, physician, and first-time candidate Peter Smulowitz.

The Boston Globe endorsed Dr. Smulowitz today, praising his "refreshing willingness to challenge established political figures."

Election Day is just 4 days away! Below is the schedule of events between now and Tuesday, including phone banks in and near Cambridge and Somerville, as well as door-to-door canvasses in the senate district. Note that CSfC is hosting a phone bank at HUCTW in Harvard Square on Sunday night, from 6-8:30pm (sign up here). Please sign up for all events by clicking on the RSVP links, below.

Please spread the word by joining Peter Smulowitz's Facebook page and please forward this message to anyone you think might be interested in helping out.


Phone Banks:
Cambridge-Somerville for Change, 6pm-8:30pm
HUCTW, 15 Mt. Auburn St., Harvard Square

Mass Dems, noon -
Mass. Democratic Party Headquarters, 56 Roland St., Charlestown
Smulowitz Campaign, 10am - 6pm
Smulowitz Campaign HQ, 56 Pickering St., Needham


Phone Bank:
Mass Dems, 10am -
Mass. Democratic Party Headquarters, 56 Roland St., Charlestown


Phone Bank
Mass Dems, 10am - 8pm
Mass. Democratic Party Headquarters, 56 Roland St., Charlestown

Smulowitz Campaign, 6am-8pm
Smulowitz Campaign HQ, 56 Pickering St., Needham

All Hands on Deck: Final Push for Health Reform

Congress is about to act on the final health reform legislation. Votes could be taken as early as next Thursday, March 18. But there is uncertainty and doubt even among the Massachusetts Congressional delegation. We need to convey a simple message to them: Get it done now, and get it done right!
The plan: the Senate version of the bill will be passed in the House in its entirety, and then a package of improvements agreed to by both chambers will be adopted by the House and then the Senate through the reconciliation process (only 51 votes needed).
We need to push our House members to support this approach while working for the best improvements they can make -- especially on low income subsidies, the employer mandate, and the public option. And we need to push our Senators to accommodate as many of the House improvements as possible -- including an up or down vote on the public option. It's now or never on Health Reform.

Step 1: Call Washington
Constituent calls make all the difference.
Representative Mike Capuano: (202) 225-5111
Senator John Kerry: (202) 224-2742
Senator Scott Brown: (202) 224-4543
(Not your district? Check here for the right name and number.)

Step 2: Phone banks to voters and volunteers
After you have called come help us activate other voters.
Saturday March 13: (2 shifts) 1:00-3:30, 3:30-6:00pm, Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn St, Cambridge.
Sunday March 14: (3 shifts) 1:00-3:30, 3:30-6:00, 6:00-8:30pm, HUCTW, 15 Mt. Auburn St, Cambridge.
Tuesday March 16: 6:00-9:00pm, OFA, 56 Roland St #203, Charlestown.
Wednesday March 17: 6:00-8:30pm, HUCTW, 15 Mt Auburn St, Cambridge.

Step 3: Rally
March 16, Tuesday (Noon at the Statehouse)
Come to the rally. Volunteer. sponsored by Health Care for American Now, MoveOn, and Jobs with Justice.

Next steps for the Health Care Reform Team

Tuesday's Teach-In was productive and energizing for all those in attendance. Jennifer, from Community Catalyst, spoke about how health insurance reform can be passed in the Senate through budget reconciliation and answered questions about the Congressional bills and President's proposal.

Short-term action steps emerged from our discussion:
  • Call Senator Kerry at (202) 224-2742 and Senator Brown at (202) 224-4543. Tell them to pass health care reform now.
  • Call friends and family in MA and across the country and ask them to call their elected officials.
  • Phone bank at 15 Mount Auburn Street. Date and time TBD.

We're not giving up on health care reform

Health Care Reform was always going to be hard. Last Tuesday just made this campaign tougher. So what's next? Fold up and go home? Definitely not! It's time to dust ourselves off and pick up where we left off doing grassroots organizing for health care reform.

Our congressional delegation needs to hear from our pro-reform voices now. Some are wavering under media scrutiny. We need to reach out to our delegation and let them know that we are not willing to see health care reform die. Some analysts say the House of Representatives should pass the Senate's health insurance reform bill. Some analysts say to push bills through by reconciliation in the Senate. Whichever route is chosen, we need to urge that final legislation be adopted quickly, before our chance for reform is lost.

Please push past our collective frustration with Washington and our disappointment with many of the bill's provisions. We cannot fight for a better bill if Washington is not willing to touch health care reform. Insurance companies need to end their discriminatory practices. Health insurance needs to be affordable and accessible to all Americans. Fix the bill. Pass it now.
  1. Please call Rep. Capuano at (202) 225-5111. Urge him to continue the fight for real health care reform and to speak out for passage of the best bill that can be passed *now.*

  2. Please join our next Phone Bank! We will call fellow progressives and ask them to call their representative and urge them to fight for health care reform. Sunday, January 24, 6:00-8:30pm, 15 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge (outside of Harvard Square).

  3. Attend the MoveOn sponsored rally for health reform on Tuesday, January 26, 6:00pm, outside of Senator Kerry's office, 1 Bowdoin Square, Boston.

Knock Doors and Make Calls

There is currently no need for drivers in Boston. The Coakley campaign is very clear that the best thing Cambridge and Somerville volunteers can do now is knock on doors. We have 200 walking routes to hit. There's a light rain out there, but it's mild, so throw on a warm coat and a waterproof shell and come knock on doors. We've got plastic sheets for your canvassing clipboards. If you can't knock, make calls. Canvass and Phone Bank locations:

45 Mt. Auburn St. (Harvard Square)
The Democracy Center

15 Mt. Auburn St. (Harvard Square)
HUCTW, the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers
(phone bank only)

42 Mt. Vernon St. (Porter Square)
Home of Larry Field

13 Hollis Street
Home of Gerry McDonough and Mary Ann Hart

19 College Ave, Davis Square
Canvass: 10:00am to 8:00pm
Phone Bank: 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Meet here for Davis Square visibility.

490 Broadway, Magoun Square
10:00am to 8:00pm

Turnout is high, but it's not high enough. They're counting on us to get the vote out. Please help!

Call Your Neighbors Today -- Phone Bank from Home

Phone banks for Martha Coakley are still going strong, but we need everyone to contact their neighbors today. Take five minutes, go to, and make 5 phone calls right now.

Pulling Out All the Stops

In just three days Massachusetts voters will go to the polls to elect a new US Senator. It's hard to imagine a vote cast in the Commonwealth that will have a greater impact on national politics.

This is a great time to volunteer for a political campaign - the race is close and the stakes are high. With partners in our communities we've put together 59 events in the next three days.
Let's have some fun.

Somerville GOTV events

CSfC Volunteers Are Amazing

At our phone bank for the US Senate race Thursday night our volunteers, along with recruits from CDCC and the Coakley campaign, made 1860 calls to voters. That's an amazing amount for a single phone bank in a 3 hour shift. But that's just the beginning. To win we're going to need a lot more shifts like that. We're setting up new locations, training new phone bank coordinators, and activating all of our resources to send Martha Coakley to the US Senate. Stay tuned.

Coakley Phone Banks Going Strong

Report from Elections Team Lead:

Last night we had two volunteers waiting when I got to HUCTW at 5:45 and 10 in place making calls by 6:45. We used up all the phone lines. We finished calling Malden independents and started calling Lynnfield Democrats with the whole thing wrapping up at 9:00 PM.

Total Calls: 637
Volunteers: 14

About half the volunteers had never made calls before. Everyone was

There's still a long way to go before Election Day. So, please, sign up for a Phone Bank today!

Health Care Reform Phonebanks

Please sign up and join our final phone banks!

Congressional leaders need to keep hearing from their constituents that the health care bills need to be passed and need to contain the elements described above. Depending on what amendments are made during House-Senate negotiations, we may target specific senators or representatives for final votes in the House and Senate. Phone banks will be held at 15 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, from 6:00-8:30pm.

Sunday January 10

Thursday January 14

Thursday January 21

Sunday January 24

Organizing for Martha Coakley for Senate - Two Weeks Till Election Day

As you may have heard, Rasmussen released a poll today showing GOP State Senator Scott Brown within 9 points of Attorney General Coakley. That's just too close. If you're reading this blog, I don't have to tell you that we can't afford to lose a US Senate seat.

The CSfC Elections Team has two projects during this brief, wintry campaign to keep that from happening. We're holding phone banks with our old friends the Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers (HUCTW) at their offices at 15 Mount Auburn Street in Cambridge, between Harvard and Central Squares, every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday night through (Special) Election Day, January 19th.

Sign up here to join us from 6 to 9 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and 5:30 to 8:30 PM on Sundays. HUCTW has phones, comfy chairs, the works.

We're also working with the Cambridge Democratic City Committee on an Absentee Voter project to increase voter turnout among local seniors - you can sign up for that project on the same form.

Actions steps for health care reform

It's Game Day. The Senate is expected to unveil their health care bill tonight, and the Congressional Budget Office is expected to release their cost estimates today too. From there, the first Senate vote to proceed with debate on the bill will likely happen Friday or Saturday.

We've gotten further on getting health care reform passed than in the previous decades. The House was a narrow passage. The Senate is expected to be even closer. A couple of senators are threatening to filibuster and prevent the bill from coming to an up or down vote. Compromises on the public option are circulating. Senators need to hear from their constituents that voting for the bill is the right vote. The other side is calling them too. We need our voices to be loud and clear!

Can you step up in 3 ways these next few weeks?

1. Phone Banks
We are hosting phone banks to call voters in other states, asking them to call their Senators and support health reform (the bill, once it is out) and against a filibuster. Currently we are focusing on Maine because our coalition partners believe Sen. Snowe and Sen. Collins can be swung and on Connecticut because Sen. Lieberman is not supportive... yet. Every vote counts.

If you haven't come out to phone bank, please do. The phone bank captain will train you prior to starting. These calls are fun and personally rewarding.

Wednesday November 18
Sunday November 22

Phone banks after Thanksgiving holidays TBD. Stay tuned, but we are aiming to have Sunday evenings and one midweek phone bank.

2. Finish Line Rapid Response
We don't know when the crucial votes are going to be in the Senate. To be most effective, Organizing for America and CSfC need volunteers to be mobilized on a day's notice. We need volunteers who would be interested calling residents in key states and asking them to call their Senators. We may also need volunteers to visit Sen. Kerry or Sen. Kirk's office. We will walk you through any actions and answer all questions you may have.

Please email health.reform@cambridgesomervilleforchange to sign-up. Sign-up if you will have a free half-hour or an hour or more.

3. Call Senators Kerry and Kirk
Please thank them for their continued support of health care reform. They need to hear from us to keep pushing for this real reform as there will be tough votes and potentially tough compromises to try to dilute the bill.

Sen. Kerry: (202) 224-2742
Sen. Kirk: (202) 224-4543

October Health Care Reform Issues and Actions

There was much sound and fury during the August congressional recess, and you might think that the push for Health Care Reform is all but done. But we're just warming up. Representatives and Senators are still figuring out their Health Care Reform strategies and we intend to keep pushing.

We need your help making phone calls, talking to members of Congress, and educating our friends and neighbors about this critical issue.


Phone Banks at Harvard Union of Clerical and Technical Workers

Health Reform Town Hall Meetings with Congressman John Tierney

Health Reform Town Hall Meeting with Congressman Ed Markey


The Alliance to Defend Health Care has some great articles and resources on their web site.


Cambridge-Somerville for Change is an all-volunteer community group dedicated to harnessing the grassroots energy and spirit of change inspired by the Obama campaign. Our organizing work includes electoral and issue-based campaigns at the local, state, and national level. Our members have chosen to work on promoting economic fairness, comprehensive health care reform, creating policies that conserve energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide for fair and adequate access to public transportation, and promoting in-state tuition for immigrant youth.

This is an organization built by and for you, the community, and we look forward to your participation and feedback. If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about getting involved, please email
or call us at
(617) 302-7324.

CSfC on Facebook

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